Principal's Message

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Nursing is an Art and Science. A professional nurse needs to learn to deliver care tactfully with compassion, caring and respect for each client’s dignity. Nursing is based upon a body of knowledge that is always changing with new discoveries and innovations. When nurses integrate the Science and Art of Nursing into their practice; the quality of care provided to clients is at a level of excellence that benefits clients and in innumerable ways.oving the society’s competitive spirit to meet the demands of the rising knowledge market.

S B School of Nursing aims to promote and encourage the students’ complete development so that they can contribute to the society for the greater cause. I would be delighted to be involved in the education of your child and to foster in her the values we all seek for.

Thus, I welcome you all to the S B School of Nursing Family to explore all the various potentials that our school of nursing awaits for you.

With best wishes and blessing for the upcoming session.

Learning gives creativity, creativity leads to thinking, thinking provides knowledge, and knowledge makes you great. - APJ Abdul Kalam!


SB School of Nursing